Table of Contents
These are exceptions that can occur in any module of the system.
(1/0): Common Internal
(1/1): Common AssertFailed
(1/2): Common OSFileOpenError -- Can't open a file -- attempted to load a non-existant config file or bad file referenced within?
(1/3): Common OSFileCloseError
(1/4): Common FileAlreadyClosed
(1/5): Common BadArguments
(1/6): Common ConfigNoKey
(1/7): Common ConfigNoSubConfig
(1/8): Common GetLineNoHandle
(1/9): Common OSFileError -- Error accessing a file. Check permissions.
(1/10): Common GetLineEOF
(1/11): Common ConfigBadIntValue
(1/12): Common GetLineTooLarge -- Protects against very large lines using up lots of memory.
(1/13): Common NotSupported
(1/14): Common OSFileReadError
(1/15): Common OSFileWriteError
(1/16): Common FileClosed
(1/17): Common IOStreamBadSeekType
(1/18): Common CantWriteToPartialReadStream
(1/19): Common CollectInBufferStreamNotInCorrectPhase
(1/20): Common NamedLockAlreadyLockingSomething
(1/21): Common NamedLockNotHeld
(1/22): Common StreamableMemBlockIncompleteRead
(1/23): Common MemBlockStreamNotSupported
(1/24): Common StreamDoesntHaveRequiredProperty
(1/25): Common CannotWriteToReadGatherStream
(1/26): Common ReadGatherStreamAddingBadBlock
(1/27): Common CouldNotLookUpUsername
(1/28): Common CouldNotRestoreProcessUser
(1/29): Common CouldNotChangeProcessUser
(1/30): Common RegexNotSupportedOnThisPlatform -- Your platform does not have built in regular expression libraries.
(1/31): Common BadRegularExpression
(1/32): Common CouldNotCreateKQueue
(1/33): Common KEventErrorAdd
(1/34): Common KEventErrorWait
(1/35): Common KEventErrorRemove
(1/36): Common KQueueNotSupportedOnThisPlatform
(1/37): Common IOStreamGetLineNotEnoughDataToIgnore -- Bad value passed to IOStreamGetLine::IgnoreBufferedData()
(1/38): Common TempDirPathTooLong -- Your temporary directory path is too long. Check the TMP and TEMP environment variables.
(1/39): Common ArchiveBlockIncompleteRead -- The Store Object Info File is too short or corrupted, and will be rewritten automatically when the next backup completes.
(1/40): Common AccessDenied -- Access to the file or directory was denied. Please check the permissions.
(1/41): Common DatabaseOpenFailed -- Failed to open the database file
(1/42): Common DatabaseReadFailed -- Failed to read a record from the database file
(1/43): Common DatabaseWriteFailed -- Failed to write a record from the database file
(1/44): Common DatabaseDeleteFailed -- Failed to delete a record from the database file
(1/45): Common DatabaseCloseFailed -- Failed to close the database file
(1/46): Common DatabaseRecordNotFound -- The database does not contain the expected record
(1/47): Common DatabaseRecordAlreadyExists -- The database already contains a record with this key, which was not expected
(1/48): Common DatabaseRecordBadSize -- The database contains a record with an invalid size
(1/49): Common DatabaseIterateFailed -- Failed to iterate over the database keys
(1/50): Common ReferenceNotFound -- The database does not contain an expected reference
(1/51): Common TimersNotInitialised -- The timer framework should have been ready at this point
These are exceptions that can occur in the Raidfile module of the system.
(2/0): RaidFile Internal
(2/1): RaidFile CantOpenConfigFile -- The raidfile.conf file is not accessible. Check that it is present in the default location or daemon configuration files point to the correct location.
(2/2): RaidFile BadConfigFile
(2/3): RaidFile NoSuchDiscSet
(2/4): RaidFile CannotOverwriteExistingFile
(2/5): RaidFile AlreadyOpen
(2/6): RaidFile ErrorOpeningWriteFile
(2/7): RaidFile NotOpen
(2/8): RaidFile OSError -- Error when accessing an underlying file. Check file permissions allow files to be read and written in the configured raid directories.
(2/9): RaidFile WriteFileOpenOnTransform
(2/10): RaidFile WrongNumberOfDiscsInSet -- There should be three directories in each disc set.
(2/11): RaidFile RaidFileDoesntExist -- Error when accessing a file on the store. Check the store with bbstoreaccounts check.
(2/12): RaidFile ErrorOpeningFileForRead
(2/13): RaidFile FileIsDamagedNotRecoverable
(2/14): RaidFile InvalidRaidFile
(2/15): RaidFile DirectoryIncomplete
(2/16): RaidFile UnexpectedFileInDirPlace
(2/17): RaidFile FileExistsInDirectoryCreation
(2/18): RaidFile UnsupportedReadWriteOrClose
(2/19): RaidFile CanOnlyGetUsageBeforeCommit
(2/20): RaidFile CanOnlyGetFileSizeBeforeCommit
(2/21): RaidFile ErrorOpeningWriteFileOnTruncate
(2/22): RaidFile FileIsCurrentlyOpenForWriting
(2/23): RaidFile RequestedModifyUnreferencedFile -- Internal error: the server attempted to modify a file which has no references.
(2/24): RaidFile RequestedModifyMultiplyReferencedFile -- Internal error: the server attempted to modify a file which has multiple references.
(2/25): RaidFile RequestedDeleteReferencedFile -- Internal error: the server attempted to delete a file which is still referenced.
These are exceptions that can occur in the Server module of the system.
(3/0): Server Internal
(3/1): Server FailedToLoadConfiguration
(3/2): Server DaemoniseFailed
(3/3): Server AlreadyDaemonConstructed
(3/4): Server BadSocketHandle
(3/5): Server DupError
(3/8): Server SocketAlreadyOpen
(3/10): Server SocketOpenError
(3/11): Server SocketPollError
(3/13): Server SocketCloseError
(3/14): Server SocketNameUNIXPathTooLong
(3/16): Server SocketBindError -- Check the ListenAddresses directive (bbstored) or CommandSocket (bbackupd) in your config file -- must refer to local IP addresses (or existing writable path) only
(3/17): Server SocketAcceptError
(3/18): Server ServerStreamBadListenAddrs
(3/19): Server ServerForkError
(3/20): Server ServerWaitOnChildError
(3/21): Server TooManySocketsInMultiListen -- There is a limit on how many addresses you can listen on simulatiously.
(3/22): Server ServerStreamTooManyListenAddresses
(3/23): Server TLSContextNotInitialised
(3/24): Server TLSAllocationFailed
(3/25): Server TLSLoadCertificatesFailed
(3/26): Server TLSLoadPrivateKeyFailed
(3/27): Server TLSLoadTrustedCAsFailed
(3/28): Server TLSSetCiphersFailed
(3/29): Server SSLLibraryInitialisationError
(3/31): Server TLSNoSSLObject
(3/35): Server TLSAlreadyHandshaked
(3/40): Server SocketSetNonBlockingFailed
(3/43): Server Protocol_BadUsage
(3/51): Server Protocol_UnsuitableStreamTypeForSending
(3/53): Server CantWriteToProtocolUncertainStream
(3/54): Server ProtocolUncertainStreamBadBlockHeader
(3/55): Server SocketPairFailed
(3/56): Server CouldNotChangePIDFileOwner
(3/57): Server SSLRandomInitFailed -- Read from /dev/*random device failed
These are exceptions that can occur in the Backupstore module of the system.
(4/0): BackupStore Internal
(4/1): BackupStore BadAccountDatabaseFile
(4/2): BackupStore AccountDatabaseNoSuchEntry
(4/3): BackupStore InvalidBackupStoreFilename
(4/4): BackupStore UnknownFilenameEncoding
(4/5): BackupStore CouldntReadEntireStructureFromStream
(4/6): BackupStore BadDirectoryFormat
(4/7): BackupStore CouldNotFindEntryInDirectory
(4/8): BackupStore OutputFileAlreadyExists
(4/9): BackupStore OSFileError
(4/10): BackupStore StreamDoesntHaveRequiredFeatures
(4/11): BackupStore BadBackupStoreFile
(4/12): BackupStore CouldNotLoadStoreInfo
(4/13): BackupStore BadStoreInfoOnLoad
(4/14): BackupStore StoreInfoIsReadOnly
(4/15): BackupStore StoreInfoDirNotInList
(4/16): BackupStore StoreInfoBlockDeltaMakesValueNegative
(4/17): BackupStore DirectoryHasBeenDeleted
(4/18): BackupStore StoreInfoNotInitialised
(4/19): BackupStore StoreInfoAlreadyLoaded
(4/20): BackupStore StoreInfoNotLoaded
(4/21): BackupStore ReadFileFromStreamTimedOut
(4/22): BackupStore FileWrongSizeAfterBeingStored
(4/23): BackupStore AddedFileDoesNotVerify
(4/24): BackupStore StoreInfoForWrongAccount
(4/25): BackupStore ContextIsReadOnly
(4/26): BackupStore AttributesNotLoaded
(4/27): BackupStore AttributesNotUnderstood
(4/28): BackupStore WrongServerVersion
(4/29): BackupStore ClientMarkerNotAsExpected -- Another process logged into the store and modified it while this process was running. Check you're not running two or more clients on the same account.
(4/30): BackupStore NameAlreadyExistsInDirectory
(4/31): BackupStore BerkelyDBFailure
(4/32): BackupStore InodeMapIsReadOnly
(4/33): BackupStore InodeMapNotOpen
(4/34): BackupStore FilenameEncryptionKeyNotKnown
(4/35): BackupStore FilenameEncryptionNoKeyForSpecifiedMethod
(4/36): BackupStore FilenameEncryptionNotSetup
(4/37): BackupStore CouldntLoadClientKeyMaterial
(4/38): BackupStore BadEncryptedAttributes
(4/39): BackupStore EncryptedAttributesHaveUnknownEncoding
(4/40): BackupStore OutputSizeTooSmallForChunk
(4/41): BackupStore BadEncodedChunk
(4/42): BackupStore NotEnoughSpaceToDecodeChunk
(4/43): BackupStore ChunkHasUnknownEncoding
(4/44): BackupStore ChunkContainsBadCompressedData
(4/45): BackupStore CantWriteToEncodedFileStream
(4/46): BackupStore Temp_FileEncodeStreamDidntReadBuffer
(4/47): BackupStore CantWriteToDecodedFileStream
(4/48): BackupStore WhenDecodingExpectedToReadButCouldnt
(4/49): BackupStore BackupStoreFileFailedIntegrityCheck
(4/50): BackupStore ThereIsNoDataInASymLink
(4/51): BackupStore IVLengthForEncodedBlockSizeDoesntMeetLengthRequirements
(4/52): BackupStore BlockEntryEncodingDidntGiveExpectedLength
(4/53): BackupStore CouldNotFindUnusedIDDuringAllocation
(4/54): BackupStore AddedFileExceedsStorageLimit
(4/55): BackupStore CannotDiffAnIncompleteStoreFile
(4/56): BackupStore CannotDecodeDiffedFilesWithoutCombining
(4/57): BackupStore FailedToReadBlockOnCombine
(4/58): BackupStore OnCombineFromFileIsIncomplete
(4/59): BackupStore BadNotifySysadminEventCode
(4/60): BackupStore InternalAlgorithmErrorCheckIDNotMonotonicallyIncreasing
(4/61): BackupStore CouldNotLockStoreAccount -- Another process is accessing this account -- is a client connected to the server?
(4/62): BackupStore AttributeHashSecretNotSet
(4/63): BackupStore AEScipherNotSupportedByInstalledOpenSSL -- The system needs to be compiled with support for OpenSSL 0.9.7 or later to be able to decode files encrypted with AES
(4/64): BackupStore SignalReceived -- A signal was received by the process, restart or terminate needed. Exception thrown to abort connection.
(4/65): BackupStore IncompatibleFromAndDiffFiles -- Attempt to use a diff and a from file together, when they're not related
(4/66): BackupStore DiffFromIDNotFoundInDirectory -- When uploading via a diff, the diff from file must be in the same directory
(4/67): BackupStore PatchChainInfoBadInDirectory -- A directory contains inconsistent information. Run bbstoreaccounts check to fix it.
(4/68): BackupStore UnknownObjectRefCountRequested -- A reference count was requested for an object whose reference count is not known.
(4/69): BackupStore MultiplyReferencedObject -- Attempted to modify an object with multiple references, should be uncloned first
(4/70): BackupStore CorruptReferenceCountDatabase -- The account's refcount database is corrupt and must be rebuilt by housekeeping.
(4/71): BackupStore CancelledByBackgroundTask -- The current task was cancelled on request by the background task.
These are exceptions that can occur in the Cipher module of the system.
(5/0): Cipher Internal
(5/1): Cipher UnknownCipherMode
(5/2): Cipher AlreadyInitialised
(5/3): Cipher BadArguments
(5/4): Cipher EVPInitFailure
(5/5): Cipher EVPUpdateFailure
(5/6): Cipher EVPFinalFailure
(5/7): Cipher NotInitialised
(5/8): Cipher OutputBufferTooSmall
(5/9): Cipher EVPBadKeyLength
(5/10): Cipher BeginNotCalled
(5/11): Cipher IVSizeImplementationLimitExceeded
(5/12): Cipher PseudoRandNotAvailable
(5/13): Cipher EVPSetPaddingFailure
(5/14): Cipher RandomInitFailed -- Failed to read from random device
(5/15): Cipher LengthRequestedTooLongForRandomHex
These are exceptions that can occur in the Compress module of the system.
(6/0): Compress Internal
(6/1): Compress InitFailed
(6/2): Compress EndFailed
(6/3): Compress BadUsageInputNotRequired
(6/4): Compress TransformFailed
(6/5): Compress CopyCompressStreamNotAllowed
(6/6): Compress NullPointerPassedToCompressStream
(6/7): Compress CompressStreamReadSupportNotRequested -- Specify read in the constructor
(6/8): Compress CompressStreamWriteSupportNotRequested -- Specify write in the constructor
(6/9): Compress CannotWriteToClosedCompressStream
These are exceptions that can occur in the Connection module of the system.
(7/6): Connection SocketWriteError -- Probably a network issue between client and server.
(7/7): Connection SocketReadError -- Probably a network issue between client and server.
(7/9): Connection SocketNameLookupError -- Check hostname specified.
(7/12): Connection SocketShutdownError
(7/15): Connection SocketConnectError -- Probably a network issue between client and server, bad hostname, or server not running.
(7/30): Connection TLSHandshakeFailed
(7/32): Connection TLSShutdownFailed
(7/33): Connection TLSWriteFailed -- Probably a network issue between client and server.
(7/34): Connection TLSReadFailed -- Probably a network issue between client and server, or a problem with the server.
(7/36): Connection TLSNoPeerCertificate
(7/37): Connection TLSPeerCertificateInvalid -- Check certification process
(7/38): Connection TLSClosedWhenWriting
(7/39): Connection TLSHandshakeTimedOut
(7/41): Connection Protocol_Timeout -- Probably a network issue between client and server.
(7/42): Connection Protocol_ObjTooBig
(7/44): Connection Protocol_BadCommandRecieved
(7/45): Connection Protocol_UnknownCommandRecieved
(7/46): Connection Protocol_TriedToExecuteReplyCommand
(7/47): Connection Protocol_UnexpectedReply -- Server probably reported an error.
(7/48): Connection Protocol_HandshakeFailed
(7/49): Connection Protocol_StreamWhenObjExpected
(7/50): Connection Protocol_ObjWhenStreamExpected
(7/52): Connection Protocol_TimeOutWhenSendingStream -- Probably a network issue between client and server.
(7/53): Connection Protocol_StreamsNotConsumed -- The server command handler did not consume all streams that were sent.
These are exceptions that can occur in the Http module of the system.
(10/0): HTTP Internal
(10/1): HTTP RequestReadFailed
(10/2): HTTP RequestAlreadyBeenRead
(10/3): HTTP BadRequest
(10/4): HTTP UnknownResponseCodeUsed
(10/5): HTTP NoContentTypeSet
(10/6): HTTP POSTContentTooLong
(10/7): HTTP CannotSetRedirectIfReponseHasData
(10/8): HTTP CannotSetNotFoundIfReponseHasData
(10/9): HTTP NotImplemented
(10/10): HTTP RequestNotInitialised
(10/11): HTTP BadResponse
(10/12): HTTP ResponseReadFailed
(10/13): HTTP NoStreamConfigured
These are exceptions that can occur in the Conversion module of the system.
(12/0): Conversion Internal
(12/1): Conversion CannotConvertEmptyStringToInt
(12/2): Conversion BadStringRepresentationOfInt
(12/3): Conversion IntOverflowInConvertFromString
(12/4): Conversion BadIntSize
These are exceptions that can occur in the Client module of the system.
(13/0): Client Internal
(13/1): Client AssertFailed
(13/2): Client ClockWentBackwards -- Invalid (negative) sync period: perhaps your clock is going backwards?
(13/3): Client FailedToDeleteStoreObjectInfoFile -- Failed to delete the StoreObjectInfoFile, backup cannot continue safely.
(13/4): Client CorruptStoreObjectInfoFile -- The store object info file contained an invalid value and is probably corrupt. Try deleting it.